(Ava and Lionel chatting while they watch the skiers)
September 20-22
We went with the Yangs and Tidwells camping to Lake Shasta last month.
We went to the same boat in campground as last time. Only problem was this time the water level was down about 30 feet (15-20 ft. more than last time), so we had to hike even further. See where that dark orange sun spot is on the picture above? That's where we parked our boat last time. The dads lugged all our crap up to the top when we first got there, and weren't sure it was such a good idea to stay there afterwards. Of course, once we set up camp and forgot the previous torture it was amazing. It's the perfect camping spot - in the middle of heavy forest, on a beautiful lake with a stream on each side, modern outhouse down the trail, very private, and best of all FREE.
The kids and moms stayed back at the boat ramp and played while we waited for the dads. Illegal, yes (swimming by the dock), but no one was around to stop us. Of course, most of them were muddy by the time they came back to get us.
First set of skiers taking off for the morning ski run. The kids stayed behind to find mud. And boy did they find mud!!
Somehow we still haven't converted Min into a skier. We will die trying. Min did bring a fishing pole to keep himself entertained, but unfortunately fishing isn't his strength. Someday Min, you WILL catch something - a crab, a fish, some seaweed. :) The fishermen next to him caught some though, so we know it's possible.
Oh good, a mud pit.
Katie (Tyson's mom) didn't leave me with any instructions on what he couldn't do, so I let them basically watch themselves.
We dunked the kids before the parents got back from skiing, but they were COVERED in mud most of the time.
Little video of the mud skippers.
While Ava and Tyson swam in mud.....
Noah and Charlotte explored the streams hunting for snakes. They found one! It was the highlight of the trip for Noah. They were so excited. When I told Noah to show me his snake for a picture, Charlotte crept over next to him and quickly posed. I was laughing behind the camera. She's quite the diva.
Char showing Freddie the snake.
The happy explorers.
The happy mud jumpers. Tyson could NOT keep his swimming suit pulled up, because they were weighed down with mud. I have quite a few cute boonie shots of him, but we'll keep those for his parents to enjoy.
Granty prefers to be "cleaner" than the rest this time. He spent his time burying his water bottle in the dry sand and snacking on the treats. 
Of course we did a lot of skiing. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. Proof for my parents, who I don't think have ever seen me ski.
Adam is always a treat to watch...... and he skis well too.
Cool rooster shot.
Lake Shasta is a water skiing heaven. It was almost lunch time and the water was still glass. We were there over a weekend, and there were only a handful of other boats the whole time.
2 dirty boys eating pickles. They were both so tired, they were in a daze lounging around listening to Katie tell them a story.
The lake water is pretty warm, but the streams by our campground are freezing. Perfect for using it as our ice chest. We put the milk, juice and water in the stream and it stays really cold.
Raspberry fingers.
Cute little camper.
Cute, dirty, sassy little camper.
There's Lionel and Mary, I knew they came with us.
Min and Freddie only got to camp with us one night, but we are so glad the rest of the Yangs got to stay another night. We love them.
When we go camping we take a "bath" in the lake. It feels so nice to lather up and feel somewhat clean before heading to bed. However, no one wanted to make the journey back to the boat this time, so we went down stream a little ways and bathed in this little pool. Poor kids, it was so cold, but they were so dirty it had to be done.
S'mores. YUM!
The kids and Katie listening to Mary's campfire stories.
What a fun camping trip. Awesome lake, great food, dirty kids, great company......what more could we want?!
Wow, my kids would have been all over that mud!!! Ha!!
Awesome skiing pics--it is not my cup of tea but you guys are naturals! I haven't been boating in so long.
If I were with you lovelies, I would sky for sure! It was so fun to have you in Utah for a few days.
I mean ski!
That was a fun trip....but I don't miss the mud:) Thanks for inviting us. We can't wait for the cabin to get started.
Is this the property you bought? My kids would have been in heaven with that mud.
How awesome! That looks so fun. I have so much guilt that my kids have only been camping once. You guys know how to have fun!
Beautiful place!
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