I've been getting rid of anything in this house that we don't use, and obviously we don't use bottles anymore. The kids found them intriguing, so they decided to relive the good old days, and have a bottle of milk. I can't believe how big they are getting.
Side note: Ava and Grant dress themselves.
Remember when they used to look like this?
Crazy! Time seriously is flying by. While I was going back through old blog posts to find this picture, and reminiscing, I again remember why I do this blog. If I don't put it down somewhere I forget (I blame the bad memory on being a mom), and why not here so my family far away can enjoy our memories too. We love looking back at our old posts. Someday (hopefully soon), I will get all these pictures in a book. You know just in case computers are obsolete someday.....you never know, I thought cassette players would be around forever.
Wow, that was a bit of a detour. Anyway, this post was originally meant for Noah's first day of school. Again, can you believe he is in 1st grade!! We did his back to school special dinner the night before school started. He picked the menu (this is the last year he gets to do that by himself): crab legs, biscuits, Jell-O and salad with lots of cucumbers. It's the exact same menu he picked last year. :) I'm not complaining, crab is one of my favorite foods.
He was up bright and early for school. He came in completely dressed, even his backpack was on, around 7:00 wanting to go to school right then.
His teacher is Miss Bowles.
We didn't get any pictures in front of the school, because drop-off was a nightmare. Last year he went to school a little earlier than the rest of the school, and got out earlier, so I only had kindergarten traffic to deal with. I didn't quite prepare for the bottleneck at drop-off. First graders still have to be dropped off at the classroom (and picked up there), so we rushed to find parking (which was a few blocks away), get the other kids out and ran to his classroom. Luckily everyone else underestimated the time it would take to park, so we weren't the only ones rushing. The teacher didn't seem to care that we were all a little behind.
Evan and Calli (his friends from preschool and kindergarten) are both in different classes, so I think Noah was a bit nervous about not knowing anyone. He recognized some other classmates from last year, and he is getting much braver about unfamiliar circumstances, so he did fine. He still finds Evan and Calli at recess and plays with them the most.
Proof for Mary.
Ava and Grant fully dressed (shoes included) and Ava's hair is even done. I'm behind the camera, but I also was dressed and hair done. An AMAZING feat. It only happened once. :) I'm trying to be better.
The babies were so excited to go to school with Noah. It was only after we got in the car to go home that they realized that they didn't get to stay.......Grant cried.
Cute school boy.
When I asked him what he was most excited for about 1st grade, he told me: 2 recesses, eating lunch at school and a desk that lifts up.
Now that he has been in school for a couple weeks his favorite parts are: 4 recesses! (he counts the 3 or 4 minutes that he gets to play after morning drop off a recess, as well as playtime after lunch), and his cool desk.
We sure love this cute school boy!
Ahh. Noah is such a handsome first grader! And do you pronounce his teacher's name BOWL's or BOWEL's? I'm hoping it's the latter. Glad he's so happy to be there--what a change from kindergarten! We're hoping it's the same here:) I love that you guys were all dressed, that the babies thought they got to stay, and that you still give them bottles. Bottles and crab. That's what I call a special occasion. Freddie wants Noah to know that he's going to lose a tooth today at the dentist. He can't wait to put it under his pillow...an early visit from the tooth fairie thanks to more tooth decay:)
Love you guys!
Miss Bowles, like plate and bowl. Would have been funny if it was bowels, because last year his teachers name was Melvin. :) You know how much my kids find boonies funny so Melvin and Bowels would have just been crazy. Poor freddie and his teeth. Maybe dentures is the way to go. Crazy thing is you guys are so diligent at brushing his teeth well. Genetics I guess.
So exciting!! Can't believe how grown up they are all getting. Love seeing Ava in Meg's clothes. And them again I get sad thinking that she doesn't fit in them anymore. Is Ava doing her awesome preschool this year? Does Granty get to join.
I sure do love that little boater boy. Does he come home exhausted? First grade seems so LONG to me. Give him a big squish for me and then go pretend to kill squirrels. (that was our favorite game)
That is some back to school dinner!! Yum!
Madelyn did the same thing on the first day of school--came in at 7:30am, dressed with her backpack on. I'm so glad she gets to ride the bus though. Who needs to fight traffic first thing in the morning??
Noah's desk looks like the ones we used to have in elementary! Love it! I'm glad he is getting over his anxiety about going to school.
"dear Noah, you are my bestest friend ever. I'm six now, like you. Now you are my best friend. Even I like your little brother and your baby sister. Even your mom and dad. You share a lot of your toys, that means I will be your friend. I like G.I. joe's."
I notice that Amelia has several best friends ever! I thought I was her best friend?? Noah is also the best water-skier ever, verified. Love you.
I have not looked at any blogs in two months!! Crazy crazy! Noah is getting so big, and your camping with the bear story creeps me out!
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