
My Big Boy Turns 7!!

 September 10th
I know it's cliche to say, but I can't believe my boy is 7!!!!! 
He's growing up too fast.
 Started the morning off with opening presents.  He went shopping with his grandma and grandpa while they were here a few days prior, and he got to pick anything we wanted.  He picked a pocket watch. :)  He still thinks it's pretty cool.  While he was at the store he saw this remote control tarantula he thought was really cool; however, he ultimately chose the pocket watch.  Strange kid. I went back and got the tarantula for him. 
He likes it, but Nala is freaked out by it.
 We also got him a real bow and arrow, and a racoon skin hat.
 Candle in his french toast.
It was a school day, so he got to bring a treat for his class.  He wanted to take cucumbers (his favorite food), but I told him I didn't think any of the other kids would enjoy them as much as he would.  So we decided to just do cookies, and then we thought it would be fun to take cucumber cookies (AKA sugar cookies).  Noah thought they were cool, and I'm sure his classmates enjoyed them more than they would have if he brought actual cucumbers.
 His daddy helping him with his bow.
The cake: Melvin the Mole and the Tunnel Trio.
I think I've mentioned who Melvin the Mole is before, but in case you forgot.  It's a story Leah told the kids (mine and Mary's) when she was visiting back in June.  I wasn't privy to hear the story, but I've heard bits and pieces, and other renditions from Noah.  Since then, he has been obsessed with Melvin the Mole.  Basically, it's about a Mole, named Melvin, who digs tunnels with an egg beater.  The tunnel trio (which consisted of most of the cousins, I think) digs tunnels with Melvin and all sorts of things happen down in those tunnels.  
Originally I was going to make his cake on the Saturday after his birthday, because I didn't have time beforehand (remember we had visitors).  After dropping him off at school, I decided to just try and whip something up so he would have a cake that night.  My kids associate their birthdays with what cake they get, not necessarily what presents they get.  So, I felt guilty and knew I needed to hustle and get his cake done.  He wanted a tunnel trio cake, so I had to come up with the whole design on my own.  No Tunnel Trio tutorials on the web. :)  Luckily, the majority of the actual cake was going to be "dirt" (crumpled cookies), so that didn't require much work. The characters however......those took some time.
The main character was Melvin-the-Mole. He used his egg beater (in his left claw) to dig out of the hill. 
Then there's Freddie, who was just surfacing out of Melvin's cave house.  He sort of looked like a grandpa, because his mouth kept getting smashed trying to get him to stay up.
Then Noah gets his face and hands out of the dirt for some fresh air. 
And finally, Charlotte barely gets her head out of her tunnel to see what's going on.  I think in the story all the cousins were involved, but I was on a time schedule and couldn't make anymore Tunnel Trio characters. We'll have to teach Leah what trio means. :)
 I think it turned out really cute.  These cakes are a lot of work, but when my kids see their finished cake for the first time, their reaction makes it worth it.  Not sure what that white glob of fondant is in the picture below.  I think my helper, Grant, had something to do with that. :)
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
  Happy Birthday dear Noah,
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
Practicing at the park (so we don't shoot Nala, or the neighbors). 
We sure love this sweet 7 year old.


Ty * April said...

What is not to love about this! He is so old. (Try having a 10 year old) He and Madi would get along so great. Send him out for a visit. The picture of him with the French Toast he looks super grown up. And love the cake like usual. Glad you could just whip it up! That would take me a good week.

Leah said...

Summer. You did such an amazing job on that cake. Holy smokes. I love that you included all the kids in it. Thanks for taking pictures--it made my day. Also, I love that he chose a pocket-watch. Can't wait to see you all this month.

mammasweet said...

Summer, you are amazing. I think there was too much work in that cake to eat. We loved out trip to see you. Happy Birthday to Grant very soon.

Mary said...

You guys are crazy! A real bow and arrow!? I fully expect this to be the end of Nala.
I can't wait to show my kids the tunnel trio cake! When I first saw this post, I thought--oh no, did I forget Grant's birthday again!? Because I don't pay attention to the calender...so I quickly visited the Roseville Library site and put some good books on reserve. I dunno if you've read them before but I thought he'd like the Richard Scarry Things that Move and a few others.

The Yoder's Five said...

That bow and arrow is so cool! The tarantula? Maybe not so much.....

Happy birthday Noah!

-Kyle and Emily- said...

Love every detail of his birthday. You are such a good mom Slum

Heidi said...

That cake!!! Is Awesome! I love your cakes. Wish I had more time and talent in that area. ;)