Daddy and the babies. Adam has been such a great help these past few days. I couldn't have done any of this without him. It's been very interesting to watch how jelous Ava is of Grant. I didn't think she would even notice, but she definitely knows someone else is stealing her attention.

Oh how cute.....siblings

Grant checking out the snow with dad.
Grandma Linie came to help while I had the baby and we are so grateful for ALL of the help. She watched the kids, cooked, cleaned and basically did it all. A huge thank you to grandma for everything!!!! The picture above is of grandma, Noah and Madi making pine cone bird feeders.

Noah seeing Grant for the first time. His face tells it all - Priceless!

One of the first things Noah wanted to do was show his brother all his cars.
He is such a cute baby. We can't believe how blessed we have been to have 3 beautiful kids come to our home.
Adam, you look tired :) Amazing the difference in the size of Ava and Grant. Crazy how fast they grow.
Oh, how wonderful! Congrats to your little family. I love that Noah is already doing the boy thing with his baby brother.
Everyone looks fantastic! I thought Ava was a runt until she was next to Grant-too cute!
We are so happy for you and your growing family.
Yah, new pictures. What a bunch of cuties you have. I can't wait to hold him. I am starting to see a little bit of you in him Summer. It looks like he has huge hands like Brooks. I also remember when Brooks was that dark. Too bad he is so paisty now. Too much fun.
Grant makes Ava look big! I thought it was impossible! He is adorable!
You and your cute family! Keep taking pictures, we love them!
Thanks for sharing your pictures! Grant is a real cutie.
Summer just can't help but enjoy the miracle! Look at all that hair. What absolutly beautiful children. Saw Mel in the store the other day. He was so happy. We all just feel we have witnessed a great miracle with so many babies this year with you and April. What blessings. Love, Aunt Erroleen
Wow! That's a lap full of babies! Grant is looking more like you! Noah's enthusiasm is pricless! I wonder how long Ava will be bigger?
Where did the African American baby come from? He is so dark in that picture!
Your two babies are so CUTE!!! You must be completely exhausted. I can't even imagine. Tell your mom to stay for another 3 months.
I'm working on a package for you. I'll send it soon if I can ever get out of the house...
Cute pics! I never thought Ava could look big:) It looks like you are having fun, I can't wait to see them all.
Love it! I'm glad everything went well!
So cute. Im so excited for you guys! Im sure you have your hands full now. They are all just so cute!!
Did your camera break like ours? Charlotte and I are pining for more! Getting any rest yet?
What adorable kiddies. I love the picture of Noah looking at Grant and so excited! I think that's how we all feel. :) Isn't it amazing how fast they grow, seeing Ava next to Grant, he's so tiny. Enjoy your little family and get some rest, if you can. ;)
Oh my!! He is so cute!! Congrats!! You family is beautiful!
Thanks Summer! We were dating and I thought everything was great. lol He dumped me on the 13th. Sorry you heard about it so late!! We miss you too. Hope all is going well with all the little ones. Hang in there!
Congratulations to all of you! I can't believe you all of a sudden have three!!! Lucky kids! Loves...
Thanks for putting up with all the out of town visitors. You guys are just amazing. I had mom helping me and NO visitors with my new babes.
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