Ava turned 5 months on the 4th. She's growing but still a little runt. We just started putting her in her 0-3 month clothes. She is always (OK not always - she does have a temper) smiling and laughing and is soon to be a big sister. I wanted a cute little hat to go with this winter dress but I can never find any that don't cost a fortune. I went to trusty old Roberts Craft and found a knitting circle and whipped this up yesterday. There are some flaws that I'm trying to figure out, but all-in-all I think it turned out quite cute.

I reached 39 weeks yesterday!! If I don't go by Tuesday my doctor is going to induce me - YEAH. I was a little nervous seeing another doctor besides Mel, because I don't know of anyone but Mel who induces before 41 weeks without a good reason. So.....hopefully we'll have a baby in the next few days. Put in your guesses now (my mom is keeping a list if you really want to be official). I'm actually kind of glad I didn't deliver this week because we've all been sick with nasty colds. For the most part we're feeling better so bring on another baby!!

Before and After: Adam has been diligently working on the exterior of our house and we've finally made some noticeable progress. We got all the beams stripped and stained. Got the new railing stained and hired a painter to come and paint the new wood we put under the eaves and all of the front. We lightened up the green a little, painted the shingles brown and repainted the nasty white that was chipping off. Needless to say, it looks about a million times better. Now we can sell it. :) If you zoom in on the pictures you can see the dramatic changes better.
Wow, huge difference. Looks great! And you look very cute prego. Can't believe it's almost over! Didn't know you were planning on selling the house? Where are you off to next? Staying in SLC or going to some exotic country somewhere?
Very nice work! You really do look ready to pop! That is so unfair that Jenny had her's first! I vote for a baby tomorrow!!
Look at that darling girl. That dressed looks so cute on her.
Good job on the beanie AND the house. They both look great. So excited for this baby. I am still voting for Tuesday. I may change my weight vote after seeing what you thought. I was being way too nice.
Summ! You are one cute pregnant lady. I am amazed at how you've been able to keep up with baby Ava in your condition--and not to mention Noah. I wish I lived closer so I could help you out.
Love the way your house looks! I am stalking your blog until that baby comes! I'm guessing Thursday and umm...6 lbs. 12 oz. 21 inches.
Oh, duh, you're being induced. Well, I'm excited for it to happen this week! Good luck!!
I guess Monday, 9:45pm, 7lbs. 8oz, 20 inches :) Good luck with everything!!
I love your house!!
Hey sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun in the next few days!! I so totally know what you mean about Mel. I am freaking out because he is having his surgery up there on December 8 and will be out all of december that is weeks 33-36-1/2. I am just hoping that somehow he will be there for the delivery. I asked Deann if he would consider starting me at 33 weeks. That would be the weekend before he takes off and she said it could be a possibility but until I talk to Mel who knows. Your house looks great and You look Fabulous for being 39 weeks. Hang in there Im looking forward to the next post hopefully there will be pictures of the baby!!
Man whoever helped with the stain did an amazing job... The beanies turned out very cute!! Good luck tomorrow!
Kids, tummy, house....everything looks great! Looking forward to a phone call here in the next day or so!
I love the house! We need Adam's ambition here. Hope you're in labor as I type. We're praying for you!
Ava sure likes her picture taken, what a cutie. Love the hat and you look great! So if I would have seen this preggo picture before I knew what you had I would have said that you were having a boy. Your all basketball belly. :)
Oh, by the way, I love love the house. Nick would love to find something like this to fix up, but you can't find this type anymore here. We love the craftsman style house. Great job!
I think it's so cute that when you zoom in on the second photo you can see a little Noah in the window.
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