

 Pep rally day at school.  I drop these 4 off at the creek every morning and then they walk to school together.  6th graders wear yellow on pep rally days. 
 Manzanita piles everywhere at the cabin from all the clearing.  Such beautiful wood. 
 Never really been able to get down the hill at the cabin because of the thick brush.  Now that it' cleared out I got a good shot of the back of the cabin from down the hill. 
Our friend brought back some of the manzanita and made us these awesome little gifts. 
 My sweet mother has been sending me bags of pecans, so the kids and I have been getting them all shelled. 

 Dinner over the fire. 
 We had a few spots fixed on our roof and the roofers had a 'roofing dog'.  It just ran around up there all day.  We thought it was so crazy.  The UPS guy knocked on our door and said, "did you know your dog is on your roof?" (the workers had gone to get a drink so it was just the dog up there)  Ha!! 
 FINALLY got mirrors in the kids bathroom.  It's been probably 4 or 5 years since they had a mirror in there. :/
Got this metal coat rack made and painted for behind the door.  Someday this bathroom will be complete. Slowly, but surely, it's coming together. 
 Turtles catching some rays at the creek.
 The boy's fort.  This is the hole they climb thru (it's in the shoe closest). 

 The floor they've been working on in their fort. 

 Grant's Valentine for his class.  He did Sun chips.  I tried to convince Noah to do one just for fun, but he didn't want to. 
 Ava's - she did root beer (because her initials are A&W). :)  They love picking out their treat and coming up with their cards. 
 Helped in Grant's class for his Valentine breakfast. 
 Grant's class did a recycle project and Grant came home with this - Trump Tower.  HA!!!
 Our cabin got about 12" of snow (they usually don't get snow, and if they do it's not much and it melts fast) a few weeks ago and it knocked out the power for 10 days.  Adam went up once in the middle of it to empty out the rotten food in the fridge and then we had to throw out the rest since it didn't come back on for another 4 days after that. 
Pretty, even when it's covered in clouds
A big tree fell on our neighbors roof during the storm.  Luckily it didn't do too much damage. 
 We got moved to a different church building this year, so we did a big ward service project to clean up the outside.  
 Sunday walk to Folsom and Ava insisted that I get a picture of her on the mossy rocks doing a yoga pose. :) 
 February has been WET WET WET.  SO MUCH RAIN!!!!  My walking path has been flooded for a few weeks. 
 The Yangs came to visit!!  We just love having them here.  We only got them for 4 days, and it poured rain literally for 3 days straight (it never stopped, even for a second).  We spent the only rain-free day going for a walk and playing at the skate park. Noah was excited to play the cello with aunt Mary. 
 The kids getting creative with Dominos.
Lego time.  Even though they didn't even get to see our view once, and it rained the whole time, the boys still got to try fishing with uncle Min, they played in the hot tub A LOT, played games, lots of magic tricks and we all just loved having them here.  
Activity Days this month - 1st activity was making homemade chapstick (I prefer it over Burt's bees even) and a Valentine craft.  2nd activity was a pamper night where the girls go their nails done, hair done, feet massaged and fun animal facial masks. 
 Grant's, and our, last Blue and Gold.  The theme was camping.  
 Trees are blossoming, daffodils are out and when the rain stops it looks like spring!! 
 Noah did his first snow camp out and loved it!!

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