

 We've had lot of fun with Noah's 3D printer. 
 Date night with Grant. Went and looked at UTV's and then dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant.  Grant trying calamari.
 3D printed crossbow
 The kids hung up the hammocks high in the rafters at the cabin.
 Redeeming our Christmas present to DISNEYLAND.  This trip was much easier than the last time we went (5 years ago).  Em was super nice and let my kids do smashed pennies with her boys.

 Noah and I made light saber handles (we added big glow sticks) for all the kids.
 We all had a great time.  Fun to hand out with Kyle, Em, the boys and Grandma and Grandpa. We were all surprised that Grandpa went on ALL the rides.  Who knew he was a roller coaster fan?!

 Spent 1 night in Carlsbad. 
 We love the beach. 
 Boogie boarding!!
 Ice cream for Ollie's birthday.
 Noah and I made a goal to go to the temple at least once a month.
 Crazy hair day.
Last crazy hair day for these two.  Can't believe we are almost done with elementary school days.  My kids are growing up way too fast!!!

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