
Santa Claus is Coming to Town

As many of you know, our family loves Christmas music. We started singing and playing Christmas songs in October this year. Noah loves the carols and has picked up quite a few of them. It's hard to get him on film because the minute we turn on the camera all he wants to do is make faces at himself. He can sing this song almost perfectly, but this is as close as we could get for the camera.

Happy Holidays!!


Jessica said...

So dang cute! He's a good little talker, enunciates very well.

mammasweet said...

Let's find him some noisy instuments to accompany himself with. Kazoo, harmonica, drum?? Can't wait for Thanksgiving Day. Love, Mammasweet

mommaquincy said...

He was bound to be a great singer with the great parents he has to teach him! What a cutie!

bethany said...

He and kate are definitely the talkers. Last generation Luke was humming I feel my savior's love, now Noah sings carols as a monkey in a cage.... we are definitely evolving.