Ava trying to crawl - she rolls all over the place and is starting to figure out the crawling thing. She's been sleeping better lately so she and her parents are happy. Her smile now involves sticking out her tongue. What a cute little fart!!!

Family outing - a walk around the cemetery. Adam can't stand being inside for very long, so after a weekend of being in the house he was fed up and wanted to go for a walk. It takes longer to get all the kids bundled up then the amount of time we're outside - it was nice to be outside so it was worth it. Ava was pretty content poking her nose out of her daddy's coat.
I didn't even notice the cute little fart in Adams jacket! It is good to hear she isn't being a monster!
I didn't notice her there either until you mentioned it, or should I say, read it. What a cutie. Brooks hasn't quite figured out the crawling thing yet, but is starting to get his knees under him. I don't think it will take him much longer either. Man they grow up fast. 6 months already.
SO dang cute. I didn't notice her either. BTW, how are you feeling Summer?
Me neither!! I wondered if she was in the back of the stroller. How cute. You have your hands full with two little tiny ones, one becoming mobile!! I don't know how you do it!!
Ahhhh. We miss you guys. I miss Adam's restlessness, Summer's unique compliments ("little fart" is a term of endearment, right?), Ava's dinky body, Noah's vocabulary, and Grant altogether. What time is the sealing on the 19th? We're leaving early that morning or possibly the night before and I'm afraid we might miss it.
Charlotte wants Noah to know that we're coming to Utah to visit Noah and we're going to make cookies together.
I can't believe tiny little Ava is about to crawl! She looks like a 4 months old still! SO CUTE.
What a fun family you are!
Summer, I showed this one to Roger and Sue and had them count the babies. It was a great game. They said to tell you hello and congrats.
Your kids are adorable! What a blessed 2009 you have had. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday season. Way to go having the babe with no epidural. You have got guts. Sign me up for the drugs every time!
So dang cute!!! I love the baby Ava-head!
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