1 month stats:
Wt. 9 lb.
Ht. 21 "
Head: 38 cm
Grant is in the 40th percentile. Pretty soon he will catch up to his sister. So far he is a pretty good baby. He still sleeps a lot, but is starting to show his personality. He is fairly mellow, but does not like to be left alone. If he can see me or feel me close he is completely content.
I realized the other day when I left the room and all 3 kids starting "showing their disapproval" of my absence that I have 3 momma's kids. I love it; however, it does pose a problem when I need to go or do something. Oh well, what else is more important then these cute kiddos?!? I couldn't ask for a better job!
Hooray! Punjab is the coolest. Let's all resign to the fact that we will only be able to go to the grocery store for entertainment and will never, ever, be able to watch a full movie alone again. Your kids are very cute.
Man, they just keep getting cuter and cuter. LOVE Ava's smile and her shirt is way cute. Love that Noah is so excited to be holding his brother. Love that you can't get anything done either...not even going to the bathroom without kids wondering what you are doing. Can't believe how much Grant looks like you did as a baby. Well I should believe it, but amazing how much he resembles you. Love that motherhood is never a dull moment, although one of those would be nice once in awhile. The girls and us are excited to see you next weekend.
Really cute kiddos indeed!
They are adorable. Enjoy every moment. . time passes too quickly!
They really all are so cute! Are you still working as a nurse now that you have three kids? You sound like you have your hands full.
That last picture of Grant is beautiful--he looks nothing like a Wilson:) And I have a hard time believing that Ava has a dark side when all you do is post the most adorable pictures of her. Sounds like she will soon be overtaken by Grant in size. Won't that be funny.
Wow! Your kids are all so cute and their little personalities do show through so much in their pictures! The picture of Ava trying to crawl does throw you a bit, though. She is so tiny is just doesn't seem right to see her in the "ready" position!
And I can't think of a better mom for them!
You are such a good mommy!!! I'm so glad that I get to see these pics :) I love your blog :D
Summer, you are the mother of the year. I love you.
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