December 20th, 2009
We had quite an eventful few days last weekend. On Saturday we had the amazing opportunity of taking all 3 of our kids to the temple to have Ava sealed to us. When the kids walked in all dressed in white I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. I can't believe how our lives have changed these past 3 years. Eight years ago when we started the very emotional journey of dreaming for kids, I couldn't have imagined how blessed we would be with these beautiful kids.
After the sealing we had everyone over for dinner. Thank you to all of you that came to support us. And an enormously huge THANK YOU to my amazing mom who basically did all the food and organized the meals for the weekend. I'm glad she stresses over the details, and the big stuff for that matter, because I've found that I don't stress over much at all - a huge change from the way I used to be. I guess that happens when you marry a guy who is so laid back and doesn't stress over much at all - he's rubbed off on me I guess. ANYWAY, thanks again mom (and those of you she conned in to helping her) for all your help.
Sunday, Adam was able to bless Grant and Ava. He did such a great job. It was such an exciting weekend for our family. It was fun to have all of our families here as well. You can see more pictures from the festivities on Emily and Kyle's blog.
Grant started smiling yesterday. He is getting so big and continues to be as adorable as ever. He's becoming a momma's boy more and more each day. Best news of all......he slept 7 hours straight last night!!
Here are our Christmas cards that we sent out. If you didn't get one in the mail consider this your official Christmas card from us. (click on picture to enlarge)
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.

I love those babies, all thirty eight of them.
Thanks for letting us be a part of it all and hangning out with us for the weekend. We had fun! I have decided there is very few things that compare to seeing your children come walking into a sealing room all dressed in white. It is the best feeling. Glad they are all official.
7 hours, wow, what a great Christmas present! My question for you is how long did the monster sleep? Thanks for letting us crash at your house, we had tons of fun!
You are living quite the adventure! I'm so glad that we get to share some of it with you!
Congrats. I am so excited for you guys.
What a fun time!! I am so excited for your family! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for our visit last month -- we had a great time with you and your kids.
Sounds like you had a very exciting and happy weekend with those darling kids of yours. And you do have an AMAZING mom!! You are lucky to have her around for big events like that!
So funny, all Danny wanted about a year ago was a coconut! That's what he used to call his head, so my sister and her husband brought him one back from their Caribbean cruise. He carried it all over Millard County for about 2 months!
Your kids are so beautiful, I just love how happy you all are. I teared up a little when I read about you having Ava sealed to you. You guys are so wonderful, I'm sure you're the best parents! Your kids are so lucky!!!
I LOVE the cards.... I've said it once and I'll say it again... You are an AMAZING mom!! I'm so happy I get to watch your blog grow :)
It was a weekend to remember forever. Wouldn't have missed it.
Se ven hermosos los 5 , les recordamos mucho desde Chile y estamos muy felices por su felicidad.
Familia Tapia Arce...
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