This is a picture of me when I was 2 days old. (Sorry the resolution is so bad - I don't have a scanner so it's a picture of a picture) Crazy how much Grant looks like me. He definitely has Moose's body frame - chicken legs and all.

We went to our ward Christmas party last Friday and Ava was very interested in Santa. Noah wouldn't even look at him - three years in a row. I don't know when that boy will warm up to the jolly old guy. Grant was asleep in the carrier so he didn't get to tell him about his diaper request for Christmas.
Funny. When I saw that picture of Grant, that is the exact picture of you I was thinking of. What cute kids! t8edis-[=POOOOPPPPPP0D-SDEDFBRF-T056YE0E00TR9TR0BY99T55O5TOR5P5RRROPRORERPORT KRSF (from Meg) That might be a subliminal message for me.
Excited to see you guys soon.
Noah is right to be wary of strange old men dressed in outlandish clothing and hiding behind a beard. Jolly my eye!
And yeah, Grant does look just like baby Summer! Is it more obvious in person? Can't wait to meet him.
WOW that is crazy how much he looks like you! I want diapers for Christmas, too.
That's so strange because when he was born, I thought he was all adam. He does look like you. I love that one of Ava and santa.
cute little farts! See you soon:)
Such cute kids, each with their own distinct personality! I'm glad that you seem to be enjoying it all! You have a handful there!
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