

Nala really is a great puppy.  She is SUPER calm and lazy.  Just what we wanted needed. 
(these are a bit grainy, because they're from instagram) 
The kids have a hard time letting her sleep.  I'm constantly screaming telling them to leave her alone while she sleeps.

Love this picture.
We were working on getting her used to her crate, and again, the kids can't leave her alone.  As with any puppy, she likes to chew on things so it forces us/me to keep everything off the floor.  We barricaded off the front room, so the kids have a place to play with their toys without the worry of Nala stealing them.
She loves the kids and has to know where they are at all times.  If we go upstairs, she comes upstairs and sleeps on the landing.  If we are downstairs she sleeps in the hall.


Ty * April said...

It does my heart good to see your kids with a dog! FINALLY!!! They have waited and dreamed soooo long. :) I laughed through the video. Let me share the similarities between your house and mine. Madi would be Noah - wanting to do nothing but play with the dog. Brooks would be Grant - oblivious to everyone else working and shoveling dirt in the background.(I also love that picture of the kids just staring at Nala.)

Becca said...

Cute puppy! I also love the part at the end where you recorded the sidewalk for a few seconds. Very nice touch.

Ambs said...

haha It's a different world you live in where you can be outside at this time of year... I can't even imagine that!

Adam said...

Don't let the pictures fool you, Amb. We hit freezing the other night. And today, the high was only 65 or so. BRRRR!

Our Family said...

I LOVE how photogenic your dog is! She seems to know how to pose to make her attitude translate through the picture. She's a super sweet looking puppy.

The Yoder's Five said...
