

 Today I got on the computer for the first time in a LONG time (crazy how I pretty much use my phone for ALL electronic needs) and thought I would see if anyone blogs anymore.  I decided today that I wasn't going to keep this up anymore, but then after reading the very few people that still blog/add pictures to their blog, I decided that I like the more detailed version a blog encourages.  So for now, I guess I'm going to keep up the ol' blog.  And when I say 'keep up', we all know that still means a few months behind. :)
In September Kyle and Emily and their boys came to visit.  We love when they are here.  They're so fun.  We killed 3 rattle snakes by the hot tub while they were here.  With all the fires they must all coming from all over the mountain.  The fires were still going strong, so we were worried it might ruin their time at the cabin, but we were still able to get some fun in.  We did have to come home a little early thought, because the smoke was so bad.  Stupid fires!!!
 Our favorite cliff jumping spot.  Tried fishing there too, but the jumping scared the fish. 
 Those aren't clouds, that's from the fire.

 Sweet little Walter.  This was the first time I met this little dude.  He's quite the momma's boy, so I didn't get to snuggle him as much as I should have. 
 Such a fabulous garden this summer. 
 My big boy turned 12!!! Still crazy to me how quick time flies.  
 Noah is a pyromaniac, so I made him a fire cake. 
 He had a couple friends over to swim and eat cake and set off his other 'fire cake'.  I put 1000 matches in a bowl and made a match cake.  We lit it up with his friends.  Of course, they all thought it was the coolest 30 seconds ever. :)
 Cool bear tracks we found at the lake. 
 The boys found this kayak half buried in the mud, so they pulled it out.  We tested it and it floats, but has a few cracks, and it's quite big, so we put it on Craigslist and got rid of it in about 10 minutes. 

Twinners. Last month we measured these 2 and for the first time in probably 8 years, Ava is taller than Grant.  Grant was NOT HAPPY about it at all.  I'm sure in a few months he'll hit a growth spurt and pass her right up, and she'll probably never be taller than him again.  She's making sure he remembers she's taller right now though!!  :)  


ellisgomez said...

I love seeing your adventures and creations! I haven't checked my blog for MONTHS and today I decided I need to update... then realizing how far behind I am, I decided to bag it. Then I say your post and I realized I need to keep this alive... as a place for more detailed and complete history of our adventures. So thanks for the encouragement! I need to get on it!

Erika Ellis said...

Yay for blogging again!