

The joys of home school - lots of free time to be creative.  Noah made a skateboard out of a piece of plywood sitting around.

Used up some Halloween candy for science.  The kids made an animal cell replica.

More candy experiments.  Ava and Grant melted down all their hard candy and made a giant sucker.
Grant is still a snuggle bug.

Of course they find the deepest mud possible to play in.
Grant was determined to beat the previous high score of 126.  He finally did it, and still has the high score of 132 on the double shot.
My baby boy turned 11.  We were at the cabin for his birthday.  He got an RC car.
His favorite breakfast.....crepes.
We went to a trampoline park and let them wear themselves out for a couple hours.
Came back to the cabin for his ice cream cake. 
Found some snow in Mt. Shasta.

I volunteered to take some firewood, but when I went to pick it up I was surprised at how massive the logs were.  The boys started splitting the wood down and had a great time.
Ava pampering our cute little friend.
The boys putting up Christmas lights.  They're getting better and better every year.
Service project at coop.
Picking mandarins to bring to Utah.  We wanted to show the Utahns what real mandarins taste like.  No comparison to ripe California citrus.  Our tree produced a lot this year too, and they were incredible.

Takes a lot of men to lift that beast of a piano.
All loaded and ready to drive to Utah.  Our truck was riding so low from that huge trailer (we were hauling it back for a friend) and our piano (we were donating it back to the St. George court house).
Of course LOTS AND LOTS of fun with family.

Brave grandma letting the kids do slime.

Came home to a nice garden haul.
Recording a song for primary.  Getting creative with Covid restrictions.

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