A lot of these pictures are a little blurry for some reason but you get the idea. Also the order is all mixed up but I'm too lazy to fix it right now. Ava's first Halloween - not quite sure what she is (black ballerina, witch, ?) but she was super cute in her little tutu.

My adorable little trick-or-treaters

Noah trick-or-treating

The auntie trick-or-treaters. Rachelle, Leah, Meg and I took the 2 kids around the neighborhood. Yes, it takes 4 adults to help a three year old and a baby go trick-or-treating.

This is how I find Ava napping almost everyday. A little scary but she seems to enjoy it.

Noah's school buddies getting ready to play musical chairs. The music was coming from a video; thus, the very well behaved kids.

Noah as Super Why. If you don't have kids you probably don't know who Super Why is - it's a show on PBS that Noah loves to watch. He mainly loved the cape.

Jana and the girls came to play with us this past week. It was freezing cold while they were here so we occupied ourselves inside by making cookies and carving a pumpkin. This is Kate and Noah's pumpkin that they helped me gut and then design. We love when they come to play with us.
Very Cute Slum!
So, I've been a slacker and haven't even checked blogs for a while! I love you're last 4 posts. Love the costumes, my kids really love Super Why, and the great leaf and mummy pictures. I think my votes, name wise, would have to be for Grant and Lucy, but I love them all! Great to read up on what's been happening with you, and yes, Noah and Ava look very much alike. But they look like you guys too! Just goes to show, every one makes it to where they're supposed to be one way or another!!!
Cute costumes! Primary wasn't the same today without you! :(
who are those gracious, attractive baby-raisers you have there helping with the festivities? They seem to be great with kids:). Have your baby already
Wow, cute kids!!
We love Super Why too! Where did you find his costume? I didn't see any of those... if you made it, you did a wonderful job. Eva's tutu is darling!
Austin was famous for having the blanket over his face. It always made me really nervous.
I love the little outfit on Ava it reminds me of what a little old lady would look like being dressed up to go out with Grandma to one of her card parties. I think it's the hat. I know way stupid thought but that's what came to mind when I saw the picture. ;) She's so dang cute. Love the Super Why costume as well. This is a fun age with boys.
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